Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lazy is as lazy does...

Network Security is a hugely hot topic these days. The truth of the matter is that networked devices are permeating deeper into our everyday lives. As that happens, more of our personal and private information is put at risk through security holes in applications, operating systems, embedded systems, etc. Thus, the need for individuals with experience and education in network security continues to go up. Check out for an example.

Along with this trend is the increasing salary "cap" for network security professionals. This means that kids leaving High School that might have had a normal interest in computers are now considering Network Security as a viable option for a career. But there is a huge catch here. And I believe it applies to all industries, but I can really only speak specifically about my own.


It's sad, but true. You can't really sit on your behind and hope that life will carry you along, like a small boat adrift on the water. If you come to UAT ( and get your degree, you'll be educated, but that won't make you a hacker. It won't even guarantee that you're any good at the job. All it tells employers is that you have had your chance to BECOME good.

The hacker mentality can be broken down into a single core concept: You have the drive and motivation to learn this stuff on your own. This means that, even if you're not in the classroom right now, you're still mucking with software or hardware. That you're still trying to figure out a new way to gank the CPU register to redirect the flow of instructions to your own code. There are hundreds, if not, thousands, of ways to be a hacker. But being lazy isn't one of them.

If you're going to go through all the trouble of getting your degree in network security, at least take enough pride in it to set yourself apart from the rest of the college grads. Spend the extra time delving into the hard topics, and you'll be rewarded with a life long career that you love, and that pays well.

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